Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What we want.

I think what people want this season would be electronics, everyone seems to be gettting more and more advanced in technology. That's a good thing though because the faster we get electronics, the faster people's knowledge of technology will grow. Which we really need, because if people get smarter with technology our technology will advance to higher levels and so on so forth. (:


To travel i'd probably go to canada again, I miss it there, I think I just might be homesick. I haven't been there in what feels like forever. I want to go for Christmas though, I love thee cold, so winter there is like perfect.<3

Video games.

i have to admit on my break, a lot of what I did was just play MW3. It was fun, I was with my brothers the whole time, we also played MW2. Thee only part I can beat them on that one was Nazi Zombies though. It sucks I need more practice I had a great time though.


I listen to all types of music from A Day To Remember, to Taylor Swift, to Bach, to Drake, to well just about everything. There's nothing that I've heard that I don't like. That kind of makes sense though considering my dad is a musician. I've been playing the piano since 1st grade, my piano instructor actually taught me how to compose music. He was great. I wish I would've kept taking lessons, but then I started Violin lessons. Those were good too, but I miss piano more. I know how to play several instruments, but not all of them, when I was little that used to be my goal in life; to know how to play all instruments before I was old. I still love all music though. <3

Favorite store.

My favorite store would have to be Forever 21. If i'm at the mall it's most likely that you'll find me there.... or at the food court. Actually, most of my clothes is forever 21. Hardly any of it is any other brand. It's kind of funny though, because I know most of thee workers there and vice versa. I buy too much there, I might be a shopaholic. Anyways, their blog today is talking about old fashioned clothes and something about a fashion sketch giveaway. All you have to do is answer the question of the day and you're entered to win the giveaway.
Website: http://www.forever21.com/

Resturant. (;

My favorite resturant is a Gelatos resturant in Vancover, Canada, B.C. I spend a lot of time there when I'm in Canada, I spend more time thore than I do at my house. I need to have my mom take me though, because my house is in Surrey and the resturant is in Vancover. I son't mind though, it's not that long of a drive and it's definately worth it. I love italian ice cream, but they also have baked goods there. That whole street actually is filled with resturants that I love. What makes  La Casa Gelato even better is that it's known for it's variety of flavors, it has 218 flavors. It's website is www.lacasagelato.com/ .

Holiday feast.

Usually my holiday feast has everything, we have turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, bread rolls, etc. It's great, this thanksgiving my friend is going to comeover. It should be really fun. I'm surprised we stayed in town for the holidays, though. Usually, we go to Canada, Texas, Phoenix, or California. The food over there is so good. I can definately say that I think that the food over there is much better than here.

Friday, November 18, 2011

2.things i like

What else do I like to do.? Oh i Like To hang out with friends, or just be out of thee house. If i'm not out of thee house I tend to get bored. Ususally when i'm home I either have to be cooking or cleaning or just plain sleeping. If not, I go out for a run. That's why I'm Ususally at a friends house or vice versa. I have to be occupied with something at all times, if not i tend to get annoyed....

1. Things I Like

Things I like, hmm I like to eat. Wow, Scratch that, I love to eat. Yesterday, i stayed home and basically ate all day. It was great, I ate alot of ice cream, mainly because my throat hurt so I was tryong to soothe it. although, I think I just made it worse, because my voice is going away now. Hopefully it's back by tomorrow night....